Mild to wild we offer a code of conduct to ensure that your comfortable and free to play on any level you choose

 Code of conduct

  1. The biggest rule is “NO means NO”. No member, should have to say NO twice, nor explain an answer of why they said  “NO thank you”.
  2. STOP means STOP immediately when said
  3. Always ASK before you touch or  begin masturbating next to others 
  4. Absolutely NO illegal drugs, over indulgence of alcohol or fighting is ever allowed. ( medical cannabis is allow at some locations ) 
  5. Practice safe clean sex! CONDOMS are promoted and provided. please be fresh and clean, bring your own towels to freshen up between play sessions as well. (we'll have towels available for sale how ever supplies can get limited quick)
  6. Please DISPOSE all used condoms and cleansing wipes in trash.
  7. RESPECT each other!! We have members of all body shapes and sizes, professions, education, religions, ethnic background and sexual orientations and desires.
  8. RESPECT the rules of the venue. Since some of our events take place in hotels or resorts, it is important to respect their rules; such as wearing clothing when entering public facilities and only engaging sexual activity in permitted areas.


   Over the years Subrosa Affairs have found that this simple code of conduct make parties enjoyable, safe and fun for everyone. We'll also like to share  some helpful tips to brake the ice and get lucky with that sexy couple or single.

                            RESPECT is the key to everyone having a good time

NO TOUCHING WITHOUT PERMISSION – Always ask first, even if you see a group of others involved!

APPROACH THE LADIES WITH RESPECT – If a single lady or wife is interested in you, let them approach you. Approach the husband/boyfriend and treat him with respect. It is considered polite to talk with both partners. Make conversations with him first before talking to his wife/girlfriend. Be patient and polite during the evening.

DON’T BE CREEPY – NO HARASSMENT – This includes: Gawking at the lady members, asking for phone numbers, and asking for sex more than once. Jacking off in public is creepy! If you are interested in swinging with someone, let him or her know in an inviting way; if they are interested, they will respond positively. If they are not and say “No, thank you,” NEVER ASK WHY" Drunkenness will not be tolerated. This is not a bar to get drunk in. You are REQUIRED to act like Ladies/gentleman and be courteous at all times If at any time you break ANY of the Codes Of Conduct, you will be escorted out and you may be banned from ever returning. NO REFUNDS, NO 2nd CHANCES. Remember, it is a PRIVILEGE for singles or couples to be invited into our Subrosa Affairs  Lifestyles community, so don’t jeopardize your privilege.